Naturopathic Doctors in Boulder, CO
Awaken to the Timeless Paradigm in Healthcare
Your Body Is Wise & It Will Heal You… Naturopathy Guides the Way
Natural Medicine
Standing on the shoulders of over 2000 years experience in the philosophy of Natural Law and practice of Vitalism, or nature’s inherent propensity to restore balance, Naturopathic Medicine’s sole aim is to support the innate potential of the body to heal itself. This is the Vis Medicatrix Naturae or “Intelligent Healing Power of Nature”, our foremost guiding principle. We strive to invigorate and integrate all aspects of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual capacities, through the most natural, least invasive therapies available, to help you rediscover yourself and reimagine health.
Cancer Care
Whether or not you’re considering or currently undergoing conventional therapy, our guiding principle remains. We will support your decisions and your body to regain balance, mitigate side-effects, and recover from cancer. Here again, we aim to treat the whole person, not just the physical body. You are not your diagnosis, you are a dynamic, multi-dimensional being existing on four different planes of experience (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual). You are more than just your cancer, and we will address, inform, and help to integrate these experiences in the aim of walking cohesively and collectively into the next phase of life.
Yoga & Ayurveda
From India, come two of the world’s oldest interdependent paths toward self-realization and well-being in body, mind, and spirit. The word “Yoga” literally means “Union”, or, “that which unites you with what is.” Ayurveda translates as, “The Science of Life.” Yoga integrates the breath and body to still the mind, while Ayurveda focuses on physical and mental health through diet and lifestyle guidance. Together they act to balance the body, quiet the mind, and allow for that space to connect with one’s essential inner nature, empowering it to do what it does best… Heal.
Hydrotherapy is the employment of alternating hot and cold applications to increase circulation, improve vitality, and stimulate the body’s own innate healing power.

Dietary & Nutritional Counseling
Nutrition is one of, if not the most important aspects of health and healing. What we eat provides the literal building blocks for every cell in our body. At Matrix Wellness we will help you to discover what foods are best for you, and guide you in an exploration to improve the relationship you share with food and nutrition.
Getting Back to Nature
The practice of “Earthing”, “Forest Bathing”, or just spending time in nature is not without its benefits. Research shows that by being in nature stress, anxiety, fear and anger levels diminish, while attention capacity, creativity, memory, mood, self-esteem, overall well-being, and our ability to connect with others increase. Even physiologic markers like blood pressure, immune function, and recovery time improve… Nature is the therapist!

At Matrix Wellness, we treat our clinic like a home and our patients are a part of the family. We believe everyone deserves the same care and attention we’d extend to our aunts, uncles, parents and siblings if they weren’t feeling well. So it is with our community space, where we practice yoga, watch movies, and gather together for art nights or just to talk about what everyone’s been up to.
Experience Whole Health
At Matrix Wellness, we provide an experience unlike any other, the opportunity and empowerment to take health into your own hands and truly heal. We recognize that each individual is unique and this requires a treatment approach that not only addresses the underlying cause of one’s imbalance or dis-ease, it must also be tailored to their particular lifestyle. We strive to support every patient as they rediscover their inherent potential to heal, realize their personal health goals, and live the life they have yet to imagine.