what is the extracellular matrix

1) The movie, The Matrix presented an age old philosophy in that there is a greater, more encompassing truth or reality that underlies, interconnects, and even conducts the limited constructs of the physical world around us (The Matrix). It is easy to note examples of this phenomena in all facets of civilization, including science and modern medicine, as we move further away from the natural law that connects us all, both to ourselves and others. The predominant mechanistic philosophy (aka. classical) believes that by studying our physical “reality”, or physical body, we’ll be able to understand, manipulate, and control all the individual parts of the world and body we live in and experience. However, when one considers the influence of cosmic or quantum forces on our physical world that are beyond the limits of our normal sense perception, or the mental, emotional, and even spiritual influences that are intimately interconnected with and influencing our physical state, it is clear to see that this mechanistic, physically-based model lacks the breadth and depth to describe, let alone effectively address, the infinite nature of the world influencing the multi-dimensional reality we actually experience and live in.

2) The Extracellular Matrix is the connected whole between all of the cells in the human body, providing structural and biochemical support as well as allowing for cell-to-cell communication. All of that which makes us what we are and colors the way we experience the world around us relies on this underlying foundation, it is the essential terrain from which every cell in the body comes to life. Although largely disregarded and overlooked by modern medicine, whose mechanistic philosophy and practice separates organs, systems, and tissues into independent specializations as if they functioned in isolation, irrespective of any other part of the body, Naturopathic Vitalists recognize the reality of our body, mind, and spirit’s interrelated reliance on one another. We work to support the body and quiet the mind, which naturally brings about an inner awareness of oneself, allowing individuals to rediscover themselves as the space where healing occurs and reimagine health.

The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
— Morpheus

What is the Red Pill?

The terms "Red Pill" and "Blue Pill" refer to a choice between the willingness to learn a potentially empowering, life-altering, and paradigm-shifting truth by taking the Red Pill or remaining in one’s culturally-enabled ignorance with the Blue Pill. We invite you to take the Red Pill, reveal the true nature of your dis-ease, and awaken to new possibilities in whole-systems health.

After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill — the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill . . . and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes. Remember, all I’m offering is the truth. Nothing more.

Red Pill

“True Nature of Reality”

The Red Pill represents the true nature of reality. Although this initially appears as a potentially unsettling, uncertain, life-changing future it frees one from the limited constructs of the mind’s enslaving control over the body and spirit through the illusory world that we believed reality to be. Red Pill signifies a free-thinking attitude, or waking up from a “normal” life of ignorance and illusion, no matter how harsh or challenging it may be. The Red Pills are the beliefs and choices that allow you to see the world as it actually is, even though it appears to be the more arduous path to walk. It is said that, “although the path to true health is a difficult one, it pales in comparison to the struggle with dis-ease.”

I can only show you the door. You’re the one that has to walk through it.

Blue Pill

“Beautiful Prison”

The Blue Pill represents a beautiful prison. It appears to be free of want or fear, a sort of confined comfort or contented ignorance if you will. However, the reality of the situation in holding onto the belief that “ignorance is bliss” does not insulate one from the consequences of their actions. It is said that the most insidious type of slavery is the one where the enslaved are unaware of their own imprisonment. Whether due to conscious ignorance, indifference, lack of self-control or the thralls of self-indulgence, the choice to take the Blue Pill locks one into the limited confines of their own mind, allowing the ego to act with surreptitious disregard for the body and spirit, and the chronic state of dis-ease that ensues.

The terrible thing about hell
Is that when you’re there you can’t even tell.
As you move through this life you love so
You could be there and not even know.
But you say so what I’m doing just fine
The irony is that it’s all in your mind.
And that is why hell is so vicious and cruel
But you’ll just go on an oblivious fool.
— Phish & Tom Marshall