Detoxification: How & When (Pt.1)

Part 1: Electrotherapy & Hydrotherapy

Written & Edited by: Dr. Andersen


There are many ways to detoxify our body, mind, & spirit from accumulated toxins acquired by living in a modern world. First, however, we must remember that effective detoxification, leading to lasting health, is only accomplished by supporting our own innate ability to eliminate this amassed waste at its physiological pace. We can enhance the action of our healing force with treatments like Hydrotherapy & Electrotherapy, through diet, nutrition, & fasting in its many forms, as well as by employing botanical medicine & homeopathy… the list goes on and on. This blog will hopefully reveal some simple truths & uncover common misconceptions, identify how & when to appropriately apply one method vs another, & shed some light on the necessary & vitalizing effects detoxification has on our entire being.


Electrotherapy is the use of electric and magnetic forces to supply electrons necessary for driving both extra- & intra-cellular reactions, enhancing the terrain of our entire being, & ultimately facilitating an environment where healing can occur. 


Hydrotherapy, more appropriately termed Thermotherapy, is the use of hot & cold water applications to affect local and systemic circulation through the organs of detoxification & elimination in an effort to cleanse & detoxify the blood, the vital fluid of the body.

Diet & Nutrition

The foods we consume can either support or tax our pathways of detoxification, depending on the dietary choices we make. Proper nutrition plays a fundamental role in our body’s ability to effectively detoxify. 


As old as time itself, the practice of fasting or calorie restriction affords the body digestive rest which has been shown to decrease morbidity (ie. living in a state of dis-ease), increase longevity, while allowing for cellular repair & detoxification on a system-wide scale. 

Botanical medicine

The use of herbs to conduct & harmonize the body, mind, & spirit in their healing efforts is well documented & tested clinically through time. Botanical preparations have been used since before recorded history to support detoxification & address compromised organ function.  


Homeopathic medicine is Quantum Medicine, acting on our entire being physically, mentally, emotionally, & spiritually, to implement & integrate accelerated movement through healing processes on all levels of our experience.


Let’s begin with Electrotherapy. It is a fact that we are electro-chemical beings. What most people aren’t aware of is that we are first & foremost electrical, or rather electro-magnetic in nature. Even the chemistry that animates our body & mind, giving rise to emotions & our experience, is ultimately conducted and regulated by the electro-magnetic environment it reacts within. For example, healthy cells have a charge of -20 millivolts (mV), which roughly translates as the state of a cell’s electron (electro-negative) status & its ability to maintain proper function. When a cell divides to form a new cell that charge drops to -50 mV, requiring other cells to donate electrons to power the process of cellular regeneration & renewal. Even more impressive, when the charge reaches -70mV the cell enters into a state of rejuvenation, whereby it is able to donate electrons that foster repair & renewal even in cells adjacent to it. If enough cell potentials are raised to the level of -70mV, one’s inherent healing propensity is literally flooded with available electron energy, igniting physical, mental, & emotional repair on a system-wide scale. Then, in its innate wisdom, the Vis Medicatrix Naturae, or “Healing Power of Nature”, prioritizes this action where it’s needed most & through all levels of one’s being.

The two treatments we focus on at Matrix Wellness include Electrotherapy both in combination with Hydrotherapy, known as Constitutional Hydrotherapy, & in isolation as Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field (PEMF) therapy. You’ve probably heard the saying that, “all disease begins in the gut.” Constitutional hydrotherapy, as the name implies, is designed to address constitutional imbalances at their core, thereby resolving the underlying cause of any dis-ease whether acute or chronic. It utilizes a bi-phasic sinusoidal wave to stimulate nerve roots and neurons that innervate and surround all the detoxifying and digestive visceral organs (ie. liver, kidneys, pancreas, small/large intestines, stomach). In doing so, electrons are donated to the cells in these foundational systems, via electric pads, which increase their capacity to enter into a healing reaction, regenerate, & renew every other organ & tissue system in the body & mind. Constitutional Hydrotherapy is effective both as a standalone treatment to facilitate detoxification & recuperation from any state of disease, or more often used in conjunction with a comprehensive Naturopathic treatment plan to enhance & synergize its intended healing effects. PEMF therapy, developed by NASA, utilizes an electromagnetic pulse that provides the needed electrons to alter cell membrane potentials wherever it’s applied, increase cellular respiration (ie. nutrient import and waste export) at the site, & ultimately provide an environment where healing can occur.

There are also things you can do on your own to capture free electrons from the environment. Earthing, or walking barefoot on any natural surface allows transfer of electrons from the relatively electronegative Earth to your body. Further, moving water in ocean waves & freshwater streams is even more electro-negatively charged, yielding an abundance of free electrons to supercharge your cells. Finally, exercise is one of the easiest ways to recharge your electrical potential due to the piezoelectric effect where their liquid crystal-like structures emit electrons when mechanical pressures are applied.

Other options include at-home products like Somavedic & Earthing mats. Somavedic’s bio-field harmonizers operate on the controlled release of energy from precious & semi-precious crystals & metals that act to create a coherent, life-supporting field to balance & mitigate electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) in your environment. Earthing mats are another excellent option if you are looking for a way to discharge accumulated EMFs while you relax, sleep, or work.


Hydrotherapy, discussed in some detail in a previous blog titled Constitutional Hydrotherapy, is more aptly named Thermotherapy due to the nature of its effect on the body. The water acts as a medium to transfer temperature between the skin & wet towels, & vice versa, causing changes in circulation both locally & systemically. This process actually has a three-fold effect: 1) The hot water causes relaxation of local muscle fibers bringing blood to the skin’s surface, while cold water causes contraction of these same muscle fibers acting to pump blood deep into the organs of digestion & detoxification (ie. liver, lungs, kidney, pancreas, small/large intestine, stomach), resulting in a cleansing of one’s vital fluid, the blood; 2) The movement of musculature also drives the lymphatic system, thereby releasing immune cells into circulation that clean & protect, as well as removing any accumulated waste from the body; and 3) That same contraction and relaxation of muscle cells acts like a matrix of liquid-crystal piezoelectric generators, providing a pool of free electrons to donate to organ & tissue systems in need of regeneration & repair. 

Again, the primary treatment modality we offer at our clinic is Constitutional Hydrotherapy, developed by Dr. O.G. Carroll & mentioned above, which combines & synergizes the benefits of Electrotherapy & Hydrotherapy helping one more readily move through the course of their dis-ease (see Constitutional Hydrotherapy blog for more detail). This treatment is part of our Water Cure Protocol that takes approximately 50-60 mins/session & provides all the benefits listed above in addition to simulating the same effects as a light 20-30 minute cardiovascular workout. We also administer & recommend the Wet Sheet Wrap for individuals experiencing fevers of 103oF or greater, that are fasting (12 hrs or more), & drinking only water, as well as the Warming Socks Treatment, that is great for relieving head colds & congestion in addition to fevers under 103oF.

Drains On Our Capacity to Detoxify & Heal

Things that drain the body’s pool of electrons, and thereby diminish one’s ability to maintain a state of balance and overall wellbeing include: acidic water (tap water, chlorinated water, fluoride, most bottled water, etc), alcoholic beverages, carbonated beverages, cooked foods, processed or refined drinks/foods/grains/sugars, cell phone & wifi radiation, most electronic devices including TVs, computer monitors, & electric household appliances, moving air (air conditioners, convertibles, fans, hair dryers, wind, etc), & stagnant water (esp insulated from the earth).

Stay tuned as we explore all of the detoxifying methods mentioned above in Parts 2 & 3 of this three part series aimed to procure health & wellbeing on a whole new level. At Matrix Wellness we help you to rediscover yourself & reimagine health.