Constitutional Hydrotherapy

Written & Edited by: Dr. Andersen

Naturopathic Doctors. Boulder, Colorado. Natural. Medicine. Cancer Care. Yoga. Ayurveda. Natural Doctor. Natural Medicine. Naturopathy. Health. Healing. Wellness. Matrix. Matrix Wellness.

What is Constitutional Hydrotherapy

A Constitutional Hydrotherapy treatment utilizes both Hydrotherapy & Electrotherapy. The Hydrotherapy treatment consists of alternating hot & cold towel applications to the abdomen, chest, & back. The Electrotherapy treatment involves the use of gentle sine-wave stimulation to the back & abdomen.

Actions of Hydrotherapy

The goal of Constitutional Hydrotherapy is to increase the quantity of blood flow through the body & to improve the quality of blood in circulation. By stimulating blood flow through the body, our blood is able to deliver the necessary oxygen & nutrients for our organs & tissue systems to function properly. To enhance circulation through the body we rely upon the mechanical effects of hot & cold applications to the skin. For example, hot water will relax & open blood vessels, which increases circulation, while cold water or ice will constrict blood vessels & decrease inflammation. The alternation of hot and cold applications results in a “pumping action” which provides the driving force behind all of the benefits received from Hydrotherapy. 

Benefits of Hydrotherapy

The benefits of Hydrotherapy are two-fold. First, by increasing circulation through the organs of detoxification/elimination (ie. the digestive system, liver, lungs, kidneys, skin) we are able to detoxify & eliminate toxins/waste from the blood & tissues as well as better digest, absorb, & assimilate the nutrients we put into our body. This provides improved nutritional availability to our body through the blood, which promotes healthy cellular function, enhanced metabolism & enriched vitality in both body & mind. Second, Hydrotherapy has been proven to enhance immune system function by stimulating the release of white blood cells (immune cells) into circulation. Improved immune function not only prevents & protects one against contracting infections & disease, it also detoxifies/neutralizes harmful substances & any pre-existing conditions already residing within the body.

Electrotherapy in Conjunction with Hydrotherapy

The addition of Electrotherapy aims to further stimulate the organs of digestion & detoxification (ie. liver, kidneys, pancreas, small/large intestines, stomach) in order to re-establish proper digestive & eliminatory function. This is accomplished by applying sine-wave stimulation to these organs through neural reflex pathways along the spinal column & abdomen. The results lead to further refinement in digestion, absorption, & assimilation of the nutrients that your body needs to operate with intelligence & coherence, allowing it to do what it does best… Heal.