Our Guiding Principles

Written & Edited by: Dr. Andersen

Naturopathic Doctors. Boulder, Colorado. Natural. Medicine. Cancer Care. Yoga. Ayurveda. Natural Doctor. Natural Medicine. Naturopathy. Health. Healing. Wellness. Matrix. Matrix Wellness.

Matrix Wellness Approach to Medicine

In order to discuss the various Naturopathic modalities & therapeutics we utilize at Matrix Wellness, we first need to describe the foundational philosophy that explains the logic and reason behind our approach. 

1) The Six Principles of Naturopathy

I) Primum No Nocere - “First, Do No Harm”

II) Vis Medicatrix Naturae - “The Healing Power of Nature”

III) Tolle Causam - “Identify & Treat The Cause”

IV) Tolle Totum - “Treat The Whole Person”

V) Docere - “Doctor As Teacher”

VI) Praeventio - “Prevention”

2) The Therapeutic Order

As the name implies, there is a logical succession to therapeutic interventions that form the basis for Naturopathic Doctors in their clinical decision-making process. This hierarchy adheres to the Six Principles listed above as well as the ideas postulated by Hahnemann in that, “The highest ideal of cure is the speedy, gentle, and enduring restoration of health by the most trustworthy and least harmful way available.” In addition, each of the foundational layers must first be adopted into practice, in their order of precedence, for the next level of therapeutic intervention to have its full effect in the aims of restoring health and wellness. That said, we naturally begin with: 

I) Establishing the Foundation for Optimal Health -

Identify & remove the Obstacles to cure, as well as assessing each individual’s determinants of health and dis-ease.

  1. This may include physical evaluation with accompanying diet & lifestyle recommendations, as well as counseling to assess & address the mental, emotional, & spiritual influences that affect our inherent ability to heal.

II) Stimulating the Self-Healing Mechanisms -

Invigorate & vitalize the Healing Power of Nature that innately resides within each living being.

  1. The most effective methods known to energize & initiate our natural propensity to heal in body, mind, & spirit include Ayurveda & Yoga, Electrotherapy, Homeopathy, Hydrotherapy, and exposure to Nature, as well as those modalities listed above.

III) Supporting & Restoring Weakened Systems -

Repair & regenerate from damage sustained on the journey through life.

  1. Here we traditionally bring in botanical & herbal protocols along with nutritional supplementation to mend from the natural inflictions of a life full of ups and downs. Again, due to the sequential nature of the Therapeutic Order, all therapies listed before in #I & II are intrinsically integrated & essential components in our approach to repair & regenerate here in #III.

IV) Addressing Physical Alignment -

Restore proper structural integrity.

  1. You may have thought physical manipulation was only considered a useful therapy for Chiropractors… if so, you would be wrong. Naturopathic Doctors not only consider the practice essential to proper flow & movement of the body and its systems, we also employ the art to allow for unimpeded energetic awareness & interaction between the body and its environment.

*The Dividing Line… Up until this point therapeutic interventions have relied progressively on those that preceded them to impart their full healing potential within the organism. The therapies that follow do not necessarily benefit from the foundational support of the body, mind, & spirit, nor do they inherently lead to any enduring improvement in actual health.

V) Natural Symptom Control -

Palliate & suppress the body’s effort to restore balance with natural medicines.

  1. This is the use of natural substances in place of their pharmaceutical counterparts to relieve the symptoms of dis-ease as the body’s own actions to regain health are subdued. The use of botanicals & herbs to suppress symptoms is reserved only for emergency situations by Vitalistic Naturopaths, where the patient's life is at stake. Naturally, after the symptoms have passed, doctors of Vitalistic Naturopathy will begin again at the bottom of the pyramid to Establish the Foundation for Optimal Health, thereby preventing any recurrence.

VI) Synthetic Symptom Control -

Palliate & suppress the body’s effort to restore balance with pharmaceutical drugs.

  1. This is the use of pharmaceutical drug interventions to relieve the symptoms of dis-ease with total disregard for the underlying cause. This is the point in the Therapeutic Order where most Medical Doctors begin. By suppressing the body’s own innate efforts to heal itself, and adding poison to an already struggling system, they have effectively eliminated any chance of recovery from the immediate imbalance and simultaneously weakened the vitality & ability of the organism to attempt another healing reaction. In states where Naturopathic Doctors are licensed to prescribe pharmaceuticals, it is my hope that they do so only with the intention of rebuilding the foundations of health moving forward in order to mount another healing reaction within the body when its vitality is recovered.

VII) High Force Intervention -

Radioactively or surgically alter or remove dis-eased organs or tissues.

  1. Historically, surgery has always been a discipline separate from medicine due to the implicit degree of invasiveness that it entails. With that said, it should come as no surprise that the use of radioactive or surgical intervention should be reserved for only the most severe emergency situations. In this day & age however, surgery is often the first option offered to patients who present with chronic, morbid conditions.


In conclusion, Vitalistic Naturopaths begin by supporting the foundation of health, invigorating the healing power of nature, and integrating the body, mind, & spirit from the inside out. We do so with the aim of empowering the inherent healing potential in every individual to regain and maintain health moving forward. Check with your doctor to make sure they too employ this simple, rational, and coherent approach to enduring well-being… it’s only natural.